Thraxas and the Ice Dragon / Траксас и леденият дракон: Двадесета глава

Английски оригинал Перевод на български

"Don't make it obvious I'm avoiding him," says Lisutaris. "I might still need to borrow money."


"I thought you didn't mind Kublinos?" I say.


"I don't. But he's very persistent, and it's not really the best time for a romance, is it? Not when we're heading for war."


"I'm not sure about that," I say. "Don't romances flourish before a war? Last chance for some happiness before everyone gets slaughtered?"


"I don't think it's appropriate."


"I think you may just be using the war as an excuse to avoid emotional entanglement," says Makri.


This brings us to a halt. Lisutaris stares at Makri. "What?"


"People who are nervous about any sort of emotional involvement do tend to look for external excuses to avoid it."


"What nonsense," says the Sorcerer. "Whoever said such a thing?"




"What did that old philosopher know about emotional entanglements?"


"A lot," insists Makri. "He knew how people think." She suddenly looks completely deflated. "I miss Samanatius."


There's nothing much to say to that. The old philosopher is undoubtedly dead, buried in the wreckage of Turai. Makri, perhaps finally feeling the effects of her efforts over the past weeks, falls silent, and looks tired and depressed as we make our way home in silence. The sun has gone down but the streets are still vibrant, with merry revellers spilling out of taverns, laughing and singing. Elath is now packed full of visitors, and the local authority has set up more oil lamps in the streets, illuminating the scene. As neither Lisutaris, Makri nor I are feeling much like revelling, it's a relief to reach Arichdamis's house. My relief is short-lived. Merlione iswaiting for me. She's wearing a rough, dark cloak and hood over her normal garments, having travelled here in disguise. That's understandable. It's a huge breach of etiquette for a Baron's daughter to be out visiting strangers late at night. Mabados would erupt if he knew. I lead her into one of Arichdamis's guest-rooms where we can talk in private.


"I only have a few minutes," she says. "I have to get back before anyone misses me. Someone tried to kill me today."


"Tell me what happened." We're interrupted by a loud crashing noise and Merlione jumps anxiously. "It's all right, it's just Makri and the dragon."


Merlione calms herself, with difficulty. The strain is getting to her. "I went out into our flower garden and someone shot an arrow at me."




"I don't know. I didn't see. They must have been in the bushes, or the trees. But I bent down to pick a flower and at that moment an arrow went past me and stuck in the fence." She reaches into the depths of her cloak, producing the arrow.


"What happened then?"


"I ran inside." She looks anguished. "I didn't tell anyone. They won't believe me. My father already thinks I'm making things up."


"You should tell your mother. She'll believe you."


"I don't want to worry her more. Everything's so difficult already."


"Tell her. She can cope. And stay indoors from now on."


"Have you found anything out?" she asks.


I admit I haven't made much progress, though I assure her I'm working on it. I escort her home, and keep watch till she's safely inside.


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