50 Ways To Wear a Scarf / 50 Начина на носене на шал: 8

Английски оригинал Перевод на български



[Drawing of the upper body of a female figure with a dark blazer, yellow t-shirt and a scarf]


Choose your blazer and a scarf wisely when going for this style.


[Drawing of the upper body of a female figure, holding the ends of a drape scarf, behind the collar of her blazer]


1 Pop the collar of your blazer and drape a long scarf around the back of your neck so the ends hang evenly in front.


[Drawing of the upper body of a female figure, adjusting the collar of her blazer, so that the scarf hangs in front]


2 Finish by folding the lapels of the blazer back down over the scarf, adjusting the scarf so it hangs how you desire.


50 ways to wear a scarf 33

