The Story of Civilization Volume I: Our Oriental Heritage - Will Durant / Историята на Цивилизацията Том 1: Ориенталското ни наследство: CHAPTER IV The Moral Elements of Civilization

Английски оригинал Перевод на български

VI Freud, with characteristic imaginativeness, believes that the totem was a transfigured symbol of the father, revered and hated for his omnipotence, and rebelliously murdered and eaten by his sons.117 Durkheim thought that the totem was a symbol of the clan, revered and hated (hence held “sacred” and “unclean”) by the individual for its omnipotence and irksome dictatorship; and that the religious attitude was originally the feeling of the individual toward the authoritarian group.118


VII Relics of ancestor-worship may be found among ourselves in our care and visitation of graves, and our masses and prayers for the dead.


VIII From the Portuguese feitico, fabricated or factitious.


IX Cf. the contemporary causation of birth control by urban industrialism, and the gradual acceptance of such control by the Church.


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