The Story of Civilization Volume I: Our Oriental Heritage - Will Durant / Историята на Цивилизацията Том 1: Ориенталското ни наследство: CHAPTER IV The Moral Elements of Civilization

Английски оригинал Перевод на български

VI Freud, with characteristic imaginativeness, believes that the totem was a transfigured symbol of the father, revered and hated for his omnipotence, and rebelliously murdered and eaten by his sons.117 Durkheim thought that the totem was a symbol of the clan, revered and hated (hence held “sacred” and “unclean”) by the individual for its omnipotence and irksome dictatorship; and that the religious attitude was originally the feeling of the individual toward the authoritarian group.118

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VII Relics of ancestor-worship may be found among ourselves in our care and visitation of graves, and our masses and prayers for the dead.

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VIII From the Portuguese feitico, fabricated or factitious.

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IX Cf. the contemporary causation of birth control by urban industrialism, and the gradual acceptance of such control by the Church.

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