Английски оригинал | Перевод на български | |
Is there some force, or factor, or power, or science - call it what you will - which a few people understand and use to overcome their difficulties and achieve outstanding success? I firmly believe that there is, and it is my purpose in this book to try to explain it so that you can use it if you desire. | Има ли някаква сила или фактор, или енергия, или наука - наречете го както искате - която много малко хора разбират и използват, за да преодолеят затрудненията си и да постигнат изключителен успех? Твърдо съм убеден, че има, и моята цел в тази книга е да се опитам да го обясня, така че да можете да използвате това, ако желаете. rvasileva 15.06.18 в 23:43 | |
Around 1933, the financial editor of a great Los Angeles newspaper attended lectures I gave to financial men in that city and read my brochure T.N.T. - It Rocks the Earth. Afterwards, he wrote the following: | Около 1933 г., финансовия редактор на големия вестник на Лос Анджелис, посети лекциите, които изнесох на финансистите в този град и прочита моята брошура T.N.T. - It Rocks the Earth. След това, той написа следното: rvasileva 15.06.18 в 23:44 | |
"You have caught from the ether something that has a mystical quality - a something that explains the magic of coincidence, the mystery of what makes men lucky." | "Вие сте хванали от етера нещо, което има мистично качество - нещо, което обяснява магията на съвпаденията, тайната на това, което прави хората щастливи" rvasileva 15.06.18 в 23:45 | |
I realized that I had run across something that was practical and workable. But I didn't consider it then - neither do I now - as anything "mystical," except in the sense that it is unknown to the majority of people. This "something" has always been known to a fortunate few down the centuries, but for some unknown reason it is still barely understood by the average person. | Осъзнах, че бях попаднал на нещо практично и работещо. Но тогава не го считах - нито пък го считам сега - като нещо "мистично", освен в смисъл, че то не е известно на мнозинството от хората. Това "нещо" винаги е било известно на няколко късметлии през вековете, но по някаква неизвестна причина то все още е слабо разбираемо от средностатистическия човек. rvasileva 15.06.18 в 23:50 | |
Years ago, when I started to teach this science by means of lectures and the medium of my brochure, I wasn't certain that the concepts could be grasped by the ordinary individual. But since then, I have seen those who have used it to double and triple their incomes, build their own successful businesses, acquire homes of their dreams, and create sizable fortunes. I am now convinced that any intelligent person who is sincere with themselves can reach any heights they truly and honestly desire. I had no intention of writing a second book, although many urged me to do so, until a woman in the book business who had sold many copies of my first little book literally read me "the riot act" by stating: | Преди години, когато започнах да преподавам тази наука чрез лекции и чрез моята брошура, не бях сигурен, че концепциите могат да бъдат схванати от обикновения индивид. Но оттогава, аз видях онези, които са го използвали, да удвоят и утроят доходите си, да изградят свой собствен успешен бизнес, да придобият домовете на своите мечти и да създадат значителни богатства. Аз съм убеден сега, че всеки интелигентен човек, който е искрен със себе си, може да достигне всякакви висоти, които истински и искрено желае. Нямах намерение да пиша втора книга, въпреки че мнозина ме призоввааха да го направя, докато една жена в бизнеса с книги, която беше продала много копия от първата ми малка книга, буквално ми прочете "конско", като заяви: rvasileva 16.06.18 в 0:00 | |
"You have a duty to give to the men and women who seek places for themselves in the world, in easily understood form, the new material that you have given in your lectures. Everyone of ambition wants to get ahead, and you have amply demonstrated that you have something that will help anyone. It's up to you to pass it along." | "Ваш дълг е да дадете на мъжете и жените, които търсят място под слънцето, в лесно разбираема форма новия материал, даден във вашите лекции. Всеки с амбиция иска да напредне и вие напълно сте доказали, че имате нещо, което ще помогне на всеки. От вас зависи да го предадете." rvasileva 16.06.18 в 0:03 | |
It took time to sell myself on the idea. But having served as a soldier in World War I, mostly in France and Germany, and having been active for many years in ex-service men's organizations as well as a state commission for the rehabilitation of ex-service men and women, I realized that it would be hard for many individuals to make outstanding places for themselves in a world from which they had long been separated. It is with a sincere desire to help them, as well as all ambitious men and women, that I write this more full and detailed exposition of the Power of Belief. Thus, this work is written also to help develop individual thinking and doing. | Отне ми време да се поддам на идеята. Но докато служех като войник в Първата световна война, най-вече във Франция и Германия, и като бях активен в продължение на много години в мъжката организацията на бившите военослужещи, както и в държавната комисия за рехабилитация на бившите военослужещи, осъзнах, че сигурно за много хора би било трудно да си създадат подобаващо място в един свят, от който са били откъснати за дълго. С искрено желание да им помогна, както всички амбициозни мъже и жени, аз пиша това по-пълно и подробно изложение на Силата на вярата. Така този труд е написан и за да помогне за развитието на индивидуалното мислене и правене. rvasileva 16.06.18 в 0:41 | |
Since this book may fall into the hands of some who may call me a crackpot or screwball, let me say that I am past the half-century mark and have had many years of hard practical business experience - as well as a goodly number of years as a newspaper man. | Тъй като тази книга може да попадне в ръцете на някои, които биха могли да ме наричат чудовище или мръсница, позволете ми да кажа, че надхвърлих петдесет и съм имала много години труден практически опит в бизнеса - както и доста години като вестникарче. Вилорп 15.07.19 в 14:09 | +1 |
I started as a police reporter. Police reporters are trained to get facts and take nothing for granted. For a two year period I was church editor of a large metropolitan newspaper, during which I came in close contact with clergymen and leaders of all sects and denominations, mind-healers, divine healers, Spiritualists, Christian Scientists, New Thoughters, Unity leaders, sun and idol worshipers - and, yes, even a few infidels and pagans. | Започнах кариерата си като полицейски репортер. Полицейските репортери се обучават да събират факти и да не приемат нищо за даденост. За две години бях църковен редактор на голям столичен вестник, и по това време влязох в близък контакт с духовниците и лидерите на всички секти и вероизповедания, лечители чрез ума и чрез божественото, Спиритуалисти, учени от Християнската наука и от Новото мислене, поклонници на слънцето и идолопоклонници - и да, дори и някои неверници и езичници. rvasileva 21.06.18 в 12:48 | |
The well-known English evangelist Gypsy Smith was making a tour of America at that time. Night after night as I sat on his platform, watching people stumble down the aisles, some sobbing, others shouting hysterically, I wondered. | Известният английски евангелист Джипси Смит правеше обиколка на Америка по онова време. Вечер след вечер, докато седях на трибуната му, гледайки долу хората да се блъскат в крилото на църквата, някои ридаещи, други викащи истерично, аз бях смаян. rvasileva 28.06.18 в 16:27 | |
Again I wondered when I accompanied the police in answering a riot call: some Holy Rollers in a moment of hysteria had knocked over a stove and set fire to their meeting hall. When I attended my first (and only) meeting of Shakers, I wondered - as I did while attending various spiritualistic meetings. I wondered as I heard the testimonials at the Christian Scientists' Wednesday night meetings. I wondered when I watched a group of people immersed in the icy waters of a mountain stream and coming up shouting "Hallelujah!" even though their teeth were chattering. I wondered at the Indians' ceremonial dances and their rain-dance rituals. Billy Sunday also caused me to wonder as, in later years, did Aimee Semple McPherson. | Отново бях смаян, когато придружавах полицията при повикване за нарушаване на обществения ред: някои от Холи Ролерс (бел. пр.: част от Християнската протестантска църква) в момент на хистерия бяха претъркулили печката на дърва и бяха запалили огън в залата за сбирки. Когато присъствах на първото ми (и единствено) посещение на Шейкърс, бях смаян - както бях и докато посещавах различни спиритистически събрания. Бях смаян докато слушах свидетелствата на срещите в сряда вечер на църквата на Християнската наука . Смаях се, когато гледах как група хора се потопиха в ледените води на планински поток и излизаха от него викайки "Алелуя!" въпреки че зъбите им трепереха. Смайвах се на Индианските церемониални танци и на танцовите им ритуали за дъжд. Били Съндей също ме накара да се чудя, както в по-късните години направи Ейми Семпъл Макферсън. rvasileva 28.06.18 в 17:36 | |
In France during the First World War, I marveled at the simple faith of the peasants and the powers of their village curees. I heard stories of miracles at Lourdes, and of somewhat similar miracles at other shrines. When in a famous old Roman church, I saw elderly men and women climb literally on their knees up a long flight of stairs to gaze upon a holy urn - a climb that is no simple task for an athletically trained young person - I wondered again. | Във Франция по време на Първата световна война, аз бях удивен от простата вяра на селяните и от мощта на техните селски лекари. Чух истории за чудеса в Лурд и за някои подобни чудеса в други светини. Когато в известната Стара Римска църква видях възрастни мъже и жени да се изкачват буквално на колене по дълги стълбища, за да съзерцават свещената урна - изкачване, което не е проста задача дори за атлетичен трениран млад човек - отново бях смаян. rvasileva 28.06.18 в 17:42 | |
Business brought me into contact with the Mormons, and when I heard the story of Joseph Smith and the revelations on the plates of gold, I was again given to wonder. The Dukhobors of western Canada, who would doff their clothes when provoked, likewise made me wonder. While in Hawaii I heard much about the powers of the kahunas who could, it was claimed, cause people to die or live by praying. The great powers attributed to these kahunas profoundly impressed me. | Бизнесът ме въвлече в контакт с мормоните, а когато чух историята на Джозеф Смит и откровенията на Златната Библия, отново бях смаян. Дюкхобордите от Западна Канада, които биха изхвърлили дрехите си когато са провокирани, също ме смаяха. В Хавай, чух много за силите на шаманите, които биха могли, твърди се, да убиват или съживяват чрез молитва. Могъщите сили, приписвани на тези шамани, ме впечатлиха дълбоко. rvasileva 15.08.18 в 15:42 | |
In my early days as a newspaper man, I saw a famous medium try to make "spirits" respond before a crowded courtroom of antagonistic scoffers. The judge had promised to release the medium if he could get the "spirits" to speak in the courtroom. Yet they failed to materialize, and I wondered why - because the medium's followers had testified to remarkable seances. | В началото на кариерата ми като журналист, видях известен медиум да се опитва да говори с духове, в съдебна зала препълнена с антагонистични безбожници. Съдията обеща да го освободи ако успее да накара духовете да проговорят в съдебната зала. Те обаче не се явиха и аз се питах защо - понеже последователите на този медиум свидетелстваха за забележителни сеанси. rvasileva 15.08.18 в 15:40 | |
Many years later, I was commissioned to write a series of articles on what the police call the "fortune-telling racket." I visited everyone from gypsy phrenologists to crystal-ball gazers, from astrologers to spiritualistic mediums. I heard what purported to be the voices of old Indian "guides" tell me the past, the present, and the future, and I heard from relatives I never knew existed. | +1 | |
Several times I have been in a hospital room in which people around me died, while others with seemingly worse ailments were up and -apparently - fully recovered within a short time I have known of partially paralyzed people who got over their condition in a matter of days. I have known people who claim to have cured their rheumatism or arthritis by wearing a copper band around their wrists - others by mental healing. From relatives and close friends I have heard stories of how warts on hands suddenly disappeared. I am familiar with the stories of those who permit rattlesnakes to bite them and still live; and with hundreds of other tales of mysterious happenings and healings. | ||
Moreover, I have made myself familiar with the lives of great men and women of history and have met and interviewed many outstanding men and women in all lines of human endeavor. Often I have wondered just what it was that took them to the top. I have seen coaches take seemingly inferior baseball and football teams and infuse them with something that caused them to win. In the Depression days, I saw badly whipped sales organizations do an abrupt about-face and bring in more business man ever before. | ||
Apparently I was born with a huge bump of curiosity, for I have always had an insatiable yearning to seek answers and explanations. This quest has taken me to many strange places, brought to light many peculiar cases, and caused me to read every book I could get my hands on dealing with religions, cults, and physical and mental sciences. I have read literally thousands of books on modern psychology, metaphysics, ancient magic, Voodoo, Yoga, Theosophy, Christian Science, Unity, Truth, New Thought, Coueism, and many others dealing with what I call "Mind Stuff," as well as the philosophies and teachings of great masters of the past. | ||
Many were nonsensical, others strange, and many very profound. | ||
Gradually I discovered that a golden thread runs through all the teachings and makes them work for those who sincerely accept and apply them, and that thread can be named in the single word - belief. It is this same element or factor - belief - that causes people to be cured through mental healing, enables others to climb high the ladder of success, and gets phenomenal results for all who accept it. Why belief works miracles is something that cannot be satisfactorily explained; but have no doubt that there's genuine magic in believing. "The magic of believing" became a phrase around which my thoughts steadily revolved. | ||
I am convinced that the so-called secret fraternal organizations guard a real "royal secret" which very few members ever grasp. The conclusion must be that "no mind ever receives the truth until it is prepared to receive it." One order provides candidates with a very profound book (to be studied in connection with the degree work), which itself would be practically an open-sesame to life if the candidates could understand and follow its tenets. But few read it, complaining that "it is too deep" for them. I am convinced, too, that some of these organizations, like many secret orders which possess a knowledge and understanding of life, use parables and misinterpretations to mislead. | ||
When T.N.T. - It Rocks the Earth was first published, I imagined that it would be easily understood since I had written it simply. But as the years went by, some readers protested that it was too much in digest form. Others said they couldn't understand it. I had assumed that most people knew something about the power of thought. Now I realize that I was mistaken, and those who had an understanding of the subject were comparatively few. Later, over many years of lecturing before clubs, business and sales organizations, I discovered that most people were vitally interested in the subject, but that it had to be fully explained. Finally, I undertook to write this book in words that anyone can understand - and with the hope that it will help many to reach their goals in life. | ||
The science of thought is as old as man himself. The wise men of all ages have known it and used it. The only thing I have done is to put the subject in modern language and bring to the reader's attention what some of today's outstanding minds are doing to substantiate the great truths that have come down through the centuries. | ||
Fortunately for the world, people are coming to the realization that there is something to this "mind-stuff" after all. I believe that millions of | ||
people would like to get a better understanding of it - and prove that it does work. | ||
Therefore, let me start by relating a few experiences from my own life, with the hope that they will give you a better understanding of the entire science. | ||
True, I had been something of a reader in my youth; the Bible had been a must in our family. As a boy I was interested in wireless telegraphy. X-rays, high-frequency apparatus, and similar manifestations of electricity, and I had read every book on these subjects I could find. But while I was familiar with such terms as radiation frequencies, vibrations, oscillations, magnetic influences, etc., in those days they meant nothing to me outside of the strictly electrical field. Perhaps my first inkling of a connection between the mind and electrical or vibratory influences came when upon my completing law school, an instructor gave me an old book, Thomson Jay Hudson's Law of Psychic Phenomena. I read it, but only superficially. Either I did not understand it, or my mind was not ready to receive its profound truths. On that fateful night in the spring of 1918, when I told myself that some day I would have a lot of money, I did not realize that I was laying the groundwork for a series of causes which would unleash forces that would bring accomplishment. As a matter of fact, the idea never entered my mind that I could develop a fortune with my thinking and believing. | ||
My Army classification card listed me as a newspaper man I had been attending an Army Training School to qualify for a commission, but the whole training-school program was discontinued just as we finished the | ||
course; thus most of us landed in France as enlisted men. However, I considered myself a qualified journalist and felt that there was a better place for me in the American Expeditionary Force. Yet like many others, I found myself pushing wheelbarrows and lugging heavy shells and other ammunition. | ||
Then one night at an ammunition depot near Toul, things began to happen. I was ordered to appear before the Commanding Officer, who asked me whom I knew at First Army Headquarters. I didn't know a soul there and didn't even know where it was located, and I told him so. Then he showed me orders directing me to report there immediately. A car and driver were provided, and the next morning found me at First Army Headquarters in charge of a daily progress bulletin. I was answerable only to a colonel. | ||
During the months that followed, I frequently thought about the commission to which I was entitled. Then the links began to form into a chain. One day, entirely out of a clear sky, came orders transferring me to the Stars and Stripes, the Army newspaper; I had long had an ambition to be on its staff, but had done nothing about it. The next day, as I was | ||
preparing to leave for Paris, I was called before the colonel who showed me a telegram signed by the Adjutant General's office at GHQ, asking if I was available for commission. The colonel asked whether I would rather have a commission than report to the Army newspaper. Foreseeing that the war would soon end and I would be happier among other newspaper men, I said I would prefer the transfer to the Stars and Stripes. I never learned who was responsible for the telegram, but obviously something was working in my behalf. | ||
Following the armistice, my desire to get out of the Army became insistent. I wanted to begin building that fortune. But the Stars and Stripes did not suspend publication until the summer of 1919, and it was August before I got home. However, the forces I had unconsciously set in motion were already setting the stage for me. | ||
About nine-thirty the next morning after my arrival home, I received a telephone call from the president of a club in which I had been active. He told me to call a prominent man in the investment banking business who had read about my return and had expressed a wish to see me before I resumed newspaper work. I called the man and, two days later, embarked | ||
upon a long career as an investment banker, which later led me to the vice-presidency of a well-known Pacific Coast firm. | ||
While my salary was smart at the start, I realized that I was in a business where there were many opportunities to make money. Just how I was to make it was then not revealed, but I just knew that I would have that fortune I had in mind In less than ten years, I did have it, and not only was it sizable, but I was a substantial stockholder in the company and had several outside profitable interests. During those years I had constantly before me a mental picture of wealth. | ||
Many people in moments of abstraction or while talking on the telephone engage in doodling - drawing or sketching odd designs and patterns upon paper. My doodling was in the form of dollar signs like these - $$$$$ - $$$$ - $$$ - $$ - on every paper that came across my desk. The cardboard covers of all the files placed before me daily were scrawled with these markings, as were the covers of telephone directories, scratch-pads, and even the face of important correspondence. I want my readers to remember this detail, because it suggests the mechanics to be used in applying this magic which I'll explain in detail later. | ||
During the past years, I have found that by far the greatest problems bothering most people are financial ones. | ||
With today's intense competition, millions are facing the same kinds of problems. However, it matters little to what ends this science is used. It will be effective in achieving the object of your desire - and in this connection, let me tell another experience. | ||
Shortly after the idea of T.N.T. - It Rocks the Earth came to me but before I put it on paper, I took a trip to the Orient and sailed on the Empress of japan, noted for its excellent cuisine. In my travels through Canada and in Europe I had developed a fondness for Trappist cheese made by the Trappist monks of Quebec. When I couldn't find it on the ship's menu, I laughingly complained to the chief steward that I had sailed on his ship only to get some of the famous "Trappist" cheese. He replied that he was sorry, but there was none aboard. | ||
The more I thought about it, the more I hungered for some of that cheese. One night a ship's party was held. Upon returning to my cabin quarters after midnight, I found a big table had been set up in one of the rooms. On it was the largest cheese I had ever seen. It was "Trappist" | ||
cheese. | ||
Later I asked the chief steward where he found it. "I was certain we had none aboard when you first mentioned it," he answered, "but you seemed so set on having some, I made up my mind to search through all the ship's stores. We found it in the emergency storeroom in the bottom of the hold." Something was working for me on that trip, too, for I had no claim to anything but ordinary service. However, I sat at the executive officer's table and was frequently his personal guest in his quarters, as well as on inspection trips through the ship. | ||
Naturally the treatment I received made a great impression on me, and in Honolulu, I often thought how nice it would be to receive comparable attention on my journey home on another ship. One afternoon I got the sudden impulse to leave for the mainland. It was about closing time when I appeared at the ticket agency to ask what reservations I could get. A ship was leaving the next day at noon, and I purchased the only remaining cabin ticket. | ||
The next day, just a few minutes before noon, as I started up the gangplank, I said to myself in an offhand manner, "They treated you as a | ||
king on the Empress of Japan. The least you can do here is to sit at the captain's table. Sure, you'll sit at the captain's table." | ||
The ship got under way. As we steamed out of the harbor, the dining-room steward asked passengers to appear in the dining room for assignment to tables. When I came before him, about half the assignments had been made. He asked for my ticket, glanced at it and then at me, saying, "Oh yes, table A, seat No. 5." It was the captain's table, and I was seated directly across from him. Aboard that ship, many things happened which pertain to the subject of this book, the most prominent being a party supposed to be in honor of my birthday - just an idea of the captain's, because my birthday was actually months away. | ||
Later, when I found myself lecturing, I thought it would be wise to get a letter from the captain substantiating the story and I wrote him. He replied, "Sometimes as we go through life, instinctively we get the idea to do this or that. That noon I was sitting in the doorway of my cabin watching the passengers come up the gangplank, and as you came aboard, something told me to seat you at my table. Beyond that I cannot explain, any more than I can explain how I can frequently stop my ship at the right spot at the pier at the first try." | ||
People who have heard the story - and who know nothing about the magic of believing - have declared that it was mere coincidence that the captain selected me. I am positive it wasn't, and I'm also certain that this captain (who knows quite a bit about this science) will agree with me. Aboard that ship were dozens of people far more important than I could ever be. I carried nothing to set me apart, being one of those who can pass in a crowd. So obviously it wasn't the clothes I wore or the way I looked that prompted the captain to pick me out of several hundred passengers to receive personal attention. | ||
In presenting to you this very workable science, I am aware that the subject has been handled before from many angles, but also realize that many people shy away from any approach that smacks of religion, the occult, or the metaphysical. Accordingly, I am using the language of a businessman who believes that sincere thinking, clear writing, and simple language will get any message across. |