The Magic OF Believing / Магията на Вярата: Chapter 1 - HOW I CAME TO TAP THE POWER OF BELIEF

Английски оригинал Перевод на български

Since this book may fall into the hands of some who may call me a crackpot or screwball, let me say that I am past the half-century mark and have had many years of hard practical business experience - as well as a goodly number of years as a newspaper man.

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Тъй като тази книга може да попадне в ръцете на някои, които биха могли да ме наричат ​​чудовище или мръсница, позволете ми да кажа, че надхвърлих петдесет и съм имала много години труден практически опит в бизнеса - както и доста години като вестникарче.

Вилорп 15.07.19 в 14:09


Many years later, I was commissioned to write a series of articles on what the police call the "fortune-telling racket." I visited everyone from gypsy phrenologists to crystal-ball gazers, from astrologers to spiritualistic mediums. I heard what purported to be the voices of old Indian "guides" tell me the past, the present, and the future, and I heard from relatives I never knew existed.

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