Thraxas / Траксас: Двадесет и шеста глава

Английски оригинал Перевод на български

"True, Hanama. No one needs Assassins when everyone's killing everyone else anyway. I guess the investigating business will go downhill as well."


"We'd better try and reach Lisutaris' house," says Makri, and explains to Hanama that the Sorcerer may have a countermanding spell to the Eight-Mile Terror. Hanama agrees. I look at her with suspicion.


Her behaviour of late has been strange, out of character for an Assassin. They usually keep themselves to them-selves, apart from when they're killing people.


I have no great hopes of Lisutaris being able to end the riot but I don't have any better idea.


Besides, it's possible that the Sorcerers up in Truth is Beauty Lane will be able to hold off the maddened crowds so it seems as good a destination as any. I can't say I'm pleased to throw in my lot with an Assassin though, and I tell her to depart.


Twenty or so soldiers, fully armed and fully mad-dened, charge up the street towards us. We flee, and I find myself keeping company with Hanama anyway, much against my will.


Unfortunately, Truth is Beauty Lane is a popular destination for the crazed inhabitants of the city.


Even in their madness they see that it will be a fine place to burn. Everyone has gone violently insane.


Apart from the Royal Family, only Sorcerers, senior officials and a few wealthy merchants have protective necklaces, and I wouldn't give much for their chances against the demented mob.


Makri and Hanama's fighting skills and my enormous body weight get us close. The resident Sorcerers are making a desperate effort to keep the crazed citizens at bay. The air crackles with magical energy as the barrier they've erected is subjected to a continual barrage of flaming torches and missiles.


Not all of the Sorcerers in Truth is Beauty Lane are as powerful as Tas of the Eastern Lightning or Harmon Half Elf. Many of them are little better than astrologers, with few more resources than myself, and the effort is starting to tell on them. Gorsius Starfinder, and Old Hasius the Brilliant, Chief Sorcerer at the Abode of Justice, both powerful Sorcerers, stand firmly in the street repelling all comers, but several of their companions are starting to retreat, forced back by the weight of incoming missiles. A few firebrands penetrate the magical barrier and the houses at the end of the street start to burn. Of Lisutaris, Mistress of the Sky, there is no sign.


The crowd are fully occupied with the attack and make no attempt to prevent us drawing near.


When we reach the end of the street I bellow at Gorsius Starfinder at the top of my voice, straining to make myself heard above the roar of the mob. Gorsius hears me. He stares at me dubiously. I hold up my protective necklace, screaming for him to let me in. He motions with his staff. The barrier flickers. Hanama, Makri and I plunge through.


"Bad place to come for refuge," gasps Gorsius Starfinder, who's standing flinging spells in his underwear, having not even had time to don his rainbow cloak. "We can't hold them off much longer."


"Where's Lisutaris?"


"Stoned, I expect," says Gorsius, ducking as a rock flies overhead.


"Tas of the Eastern Lightning told me she was working on a counterspell to the Eight-Mile Terror."


"The Eight-Mile Terror?" screams Gorsius. "Is that what has caused this?"


"What did you think it was? Something in the water?"


Gorsius groans. "Then there is no chance of it ending. Where is Tas? We need his help."


"He's not coming, I'm afraid."


In the distance flames are rising from the Imperial Palace. Another rock penetrates the barrier.


Gorsius Starfinder crumples to the ground. His Apprentice runs up and drags him to safety but the Sorcerers are now harder pressed than ever. Some of the junior ones who've never been to war are losing their nerve. We sprint up the road to Lisutaris' mansion. Around it lie the bodies of her servants, subdued in their madness by the Sorcerers. The door is locked.


"The crowd just advanced," says Makri.


I charge like an elephant and the door splinters. Hanama, fleetest of foot, is the first to find the Mistress of the Sky, Sorcerer of vast power, and hopeless thazis abuser. She's lying beside her water pipe with a faraway look on her face. The room is thick with smoke, thicker than the Avenging Axe after an all-night celebration. The woman really does smoke far too much of this stuff. Once more I curse the degeneracy of our Palace Sorcerers.


"Try and rouse her, Makri. I'll look for the spell."


Makri starts shaking Lisutaris, while Hanama and I tear the house apart looking for the counterspell to the Eight-Mile Terror. From outside the roar of the crowd intensifies as more and more of the demented citizens break through the Sorcerers' barrier.


As I plunge into Lisutaris' workroom a crazed servant appears from somewhere waving a carving knife. I dodge the strike and slug him. He's too mad to feel it and comes at me again so I trip him up and break a chair over his head. If we survive Lisutaris can patch him up later. I start rummaging through the Sorcerer's books.


"Is this it?" asks Hanama, appearing with a freshly written parchment. I study it quickly.


"Afraid not, this is a spell for making thazis plants grow quicker." Hanama tosses it away in disgust and we carry on searching. A rock crashes through the window. The crowd are closing in. Gorsius Starfinder and his Apprentice stumble in through a back door, dragging Old Hasius the Brilliant with them. All three are cut and bleeding.


"The crowd's breaking through!"


Hasius the Brilliant is reputed to be a hundred and ten years old. He'll be lucky to reach a hundred and eleven if the counterspell doesn't turn up soon. I drag open another drawer, and uncover various newly worked parchments, which I scan frantically.


"Yes!" I scream in triumph. "A counterspell to the Eight-Mile Terror!"


Gorsius hobbles over to study it with me. As he reads through it quickly, he wipes blood from his face. More rocks crash through the windows. His face falls.


"She hasn't finished it."


I quit the room immediately and tell Makri to stop trying to revive Lisutaris, Mistress of the Sky.


"She hasn't finished the spell. There's nothing to do now but get out of here before the whole city goes up in flames."


"Well, so much for civilisation," says Makri, and makes to leave with me.


"Where are you going?" demands Gorsius Starfinder, appearing beside us.


"Anywhere. We're going to fight our way out before the city burns."


"You can't just run away," protests the Sorcerer.


"Only thing to do," says Makri, matter-of-factly. "We can't fight the whole population."


"Just buy us some time. Lisutaris can complete the spell."


Before I can reply the door crashes open and there stands Glixius Dragon Killer with madness in his eyes.


"Death to all Sorcerers!" he screams.


He leaps towards me, arms raised. I hope my spell protector is strong enough to resist his insane sorcery.


I don't get the chance to find out because instead of casting a spell Glixius punches me full in the face and I tumble to the floor. He screams with laughter.


"I enjoyed that," he says, and draws his sword.


Makri leaps in front to protect me and engages Glixius in combat. At that moment a horde of deranged rioters burst into the house waving swords and flaming torches. Makri and I flee the room, dragging Gorsius Starfinder and Lisutaris with us. We run back to the workroom where we find Hasius the Brilliant slumped unconscious and Hanama expelling two intruders from the back door.


We're surrounded. We barricade the doors with furniture, and look at each other, wondering what to do. Lisutaris, Mistress of the Sky, moans, and shows signs of coming round. The mad crowd hammer on the door and there's the sound of axes breaking it down.


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