Thraxas and the Ice Dragon / Траксас и леденият дракон: Дванадесета глава

Английски оригинал Перевод на български

Chapter Twelve

#1 в контекст

I'm looking forward to a few ales and a pie from the larder when I get back to Arichdamis's house. Unfortunately I find the house in uproar, or as much uproar as can be created by one elderly mathematician, two servants and an agitated part-Orc swordswoman, all of whom are engaged in near-incomprehensible babble as I enter the hallway. I have to shout to make myself heard.

#2 в контекст

"Makri? Shouldn't you be at a meeting with Lisutaris?"

#3 в контекст

Makri whirls round. "Lisutaris can't go!"

#4 в контекст

"Too much thazis. She can't move."

#6 в контекст

This isn't a huge surprise. I've seen Lisutaris unable to move after too much thazis. Notably, a couple of years ago when I was trapped in a Sorcerer's mansion in Thamlin with a maddened crowd outside baying for blood. On that occasion it took a hefty slap to bring her round. I expect something similar will produce results now. Makri leads me to where Lisutaris is lying in the gardens, her head resting comfortably on a small hillock, a peaceful smile on her face. Beside her is a pile of ash. I take her by the shoulder and shake her.

#7 в контекст

"Lisutaris. Important meeting. Barons and Sorcerers. You have to get up."

#8 в контекст

She doesn't stir. I shake her harder.

#9 в контекст

"It's no good," cries Makri. "She made a new spell for making Arichdamis's thazis more powerful and she's overdone it. What are we going to do?"

#10 в контекст

Horses hooves clatter along the road, coming to a halt outside Arichdamis house.

#11 в контекст

"That must be messengers from Lasat, wondering where Lisutaris is," says Makri.

#12 в контекст

I notice that Makri's hand has drifted towards her sword. "Killing the messengers won't help. They'd just send more."

#13 в контекст

It's time for swift action. I drag Lisutaris to her feet and thrust her into the arms of Arichdamis and a servant.

#14 в контекст

"Walk her round the garden. Makri, come with me." I march back though the house and open the front door to find two messengers on the doorstep.

#15 в контекст

"Lasat Axe of Gold begs to know when Lisutaris, Mistress of the Sky, plans to arrive at the meeting."

#16 в контекст

I regard them coolly. "Lasat Axe of Gold must have made a mistake. Lisutaris reconvened the meeting here."

#17 в контекст

"The meeting is to be held here, in Arichdamis's residence."

#19 в контекст

"But it's meant to be at Lasat's. He won't be pleased at this."

#20 в контекст

I draw myself up. "Lisutaris is Head of the Sorcerers Guild. She outranks Lasat. In fact, she outranks everyone. So if Lisutaris wants to hold the meeting here, that's where it will be held. Kindly tell Lasat that Lisutaris regrets the mix up in communications, but looks forward to everyone assembling here at their earliest convenience. And pass on the best regards of Thraxas, Chief Adviser to the Head of the Sorcerers Guild."

#21 в контекст

The messengers don't like it. Still, it's not their job to argue. They mount up, and ride off. Beside me, Makri is impressed. "You really pulled that off well."

#22 в контекст

"Although it does strike me that in around fifteen minutes, a collection of angry Barons and Sorcerers are going to discover that Lisutaris is completely intoxicated by thazis, in a country where thazis is illegal."

#24 в контекст

"So we've got fifteen minutes to get Lisutaris into a fit state."

#25 в контекст

We hurry back to the garden where Arichdamis and his servant - both quite elderly, and neither of them strong - are still gamely walking Lisutaris around the garden. So far, it doesn't seem to be helping.

#26 в контекст

"It was very unwise of Lisutaris to boost the power of her thazis," says Arichdamis, who seems shocked by the occurrence. "Is the Mistress of the Sky prone to this sort of excess?"

#27 в контекст

"Very rarely," I reply, and send the other servant off to make deat, a herbal brew with some powers of sobering up the intoxicated. Makri and I take over walking Lisutaris around while Arichdamis slumps into a garden chair to rest.

#28 в контекст

"You might want to tell your servants that Barons, Sorcerers and probably some foreign ambassadors will be arriving soon."

#29 в контекст

Arichdamis leaps to his feet. "What? I'm not ready to receive Barons. We have no food prepared, or drink, or - "

#30 в контекст

"Tell them there's a war on. Everyone has to rough it a little. Damn you Lisutaris, will you stop grinning stupidly and open your eyes?"

#31 в контекст

As soon as Arichdamis disappears inside I fetch Lisutaris a fairly hefty slap on the face. Her eyelids flicker. So desperate is the situation that Makri doesn't object. Lisutaris opens her eyes.

#32 в контекст

"Thraxas, if you slap me again I'll make your head explode."

#33 в контекст

We sit Lisutaris down on the garden chair and start pouring deat inside her. The Sorceress shakes her head.

#34 в контекст

"Spell must have been too powerful. But Arichdamis's thazis is inferior. I was just trying to boost it a little." She yawns. "I'd better lie down for a while."

#35 в контекст

"You can't lie down!" exclaims Makri. "Have you forgotten the meeting?'

#36 в контекст

Makri brings Lisutaris up to date with recent developments. Lisutaris's eyes open wide.

#38 в контекст

"I don't want to meet Barons. I'm not ready."

#39 в контекст

Horses hooves and carriage wheels sound in the street outside. Lisutaris casts a baleful glance in my direction, then rises to her feet. Her legs give way and she slumps back into her chair.

#40 в контекст

"I can't walk," she says, rather feebly.

#41 в контекст

"Arichdamis," I say. "Tell the Barons that Lisutaris will receive them in the back garden."

#42 в контекст

At this moment the junior dragon, until now absent from the proceedings, decides to put in an appearance. It wanders out from a clump of bushes and makes straight for Makri.

#43 в контекст

"Go away you vile beast," says Makri.

#44 в контекст

The dragon starts rubbing itself against Makri's legs. Makri tries to shove it away, which only makes it more enthusiastic. It rises on its hind legs and tries to lick her face. Makri winces as it digs its claws into her shoulder. She bats it back to the ground, quite violently. The dragon, thinking this is a splendid game, purrs in pleasure and starts climbing up her again.

#45 в контекст

"I'm getting fed up with this," says Makri.

#46 в контекст

Baron Mabados, Baron Marcos, and Lasat Axe of Gold come storming into the garden.

#47 в контекст

"What is the meaning of this change of location?" demands Lasat. "It shows an outrageous lack of respect for the council."

#48 в контекст

Elupus, his bodyguard, is next into the garden. Several more Samsarinan Barons follow, along with their entourages. After them come a group of Sorcerers, including Kublinos, and various men in military uniform, Generals from the Samsarinan army. Finally Daringos, the King's Chief Steward, resplendent in his crimson robe, strides in with his nose in the air. There's some confusion, with questions being asked from all sides. The loudest voice comes from a Baron I haven't met before, an extremely large man, at least in girth, who demands to know where the refreshments are.

#49 в контекст

"Don't tell me we've been invited to a house where's there's nothing to eat?" he says, looking round the empty gardens with some dismay.

#50 в контекст

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