Thraxas / Траксас: Шеста глава

Английски оригинал Перевод на български

The call for Sabav, evening prayers, rings out through the jail. Sabam, Sabap, Sabav. Three prayer calls a day. Gets me down. Still, we get off lightly in Turai. In Nioj they have six. I kneel down to pray in case some jailer is spying on me; there's no sense in giving the authorities another excuse to hold me here. Perhaps it isn't such a bad idea, because I'm released shortly afterwards. God may now be on my side. More likely the Princess pulled some strings. Captain Rallee is most displeased. He can't understand how a guy like me can still have any influence in this town.

#2 в контекст

"Who you working for, the Royal Family?" he grumbles, as a Sorcerer mutters the spell to let me out the front gates. "You watch yourself, Thraxas. The Prefect's got his eye on you. You try putting anything over on him and he'll be down on you like a bad spell."

#3 в контекст

I smile graciously in reply, and climb into a landus heading for Twelve Seas. I stop off at the public baths, wash off the stink of prison, grab a beer and food at the Avenging Axe and head off out.

#4 в контекст

"Where have you been?" asks Makri as I'm leaving.

#5 в контекст

"Oh," says Makri. "I thought maybe you were hiding from the Brotherhood."

#7 в контекст

I glare at her. "And why did you think that?"

#8 в контекст

"Because you can't pay your gambling debts."

#9 в контекст

I am outraged to learn that Makri knows about this too.

#10 в контекст

"Does everyone in Twelve Seas have to stick their noses into my personal affairs? It's high time people around here started minding their own damned business."

#11 в контекст

With which I storm out into the street. A beggar sticks a withered hand in my direction.

#12 в контекст

"Get a job," I bark at him. It makes me feel slightly better.

#13 в контекст

It's dark by the time I reach Attilan's house. It's risky returning so soon but it has to be done. In the time between my discovery in the garden and my arrest, I threw the box under a bush and I need it back.

#14 в контекст

No one seems to be around, apart from a young Pontifex hurrying home after a hard day's praying. I wish I could make myself invisible but the invisibility spell is way too complicated for me. Trusting to luck, I haul myself over the fence, scramble through the garden and dive beneath the bush. The box isn't there.

#15 в контекст

Someone beat me to it. Two minutes later I'm back over the fence and hurrying south, not pleased at the way things are going.

#16 в контекст

Horse traffic is banned in the city after dark. The night is still hot and it's a tiring walk. When I reach Pashish I decide to drop in on Astrath Triple Moon. I've promised Makri I'll ask him if he can help her. More to the point, I need a beer.

#17 в контекст

Pashish, just north of Twelve Seas, is another poor suburb, though relatively crime-free. Its narrow tene- mented streets comprise mainly the dwellings of harbour workers and other manual labourers. It's an unlikely place to find a Sorcerer, but Astrath Triple Moon is somewhat of an outcast among his kind, thanks to certain allegations a few years back when he was the official Sorcerer at the Stadium Superbius, with responsibility for ensuring that all chariot races and suchlike were run fairly, without outside sorcerous interference. Certain powerful Senators felt that their chariots weren't getting a fair deal, leading to a Praetor's investigation accusing Astrath Triple Moon of taking bribes.

#18 в контекст

Astrath employed me to dig up evidence on his behalf. He was, in fact, as guilty as hell but I managed to cloud the issue enough for him to escape prosecution or expulsion from the Sorcerers Guild. This allowed him to remain in the city—no Sorcerer expelled from the Guild is allowed to practise here—but the stigma attached to his name thereafter forced him to leave his high-class practice in Truth is Beauty Lane. He ended up in straitened circumstances with a small practice in Pashish ministering to the humble needs of the local population.

#19 в контекст

Astrath is still a powerful Sorcerer. As always he is pleased to see me. Not many men of my learning and culture visit him these days. He pours me a beer and I down it in one. He pours me another.

#20 в контекст

"Hot as Orcish hell out there," I say, emptying the glass.

#21 в контекст

He pours me a third. He's not a bad guy for a Sorcerer. I dump my cloak and bag on the floor among the astrolabes, charts, test tubes, herbs, potions and books that form the standard paraphernalia of a working Sorcerer.

#22 в контекст

I ask him about the spell, describing it as best as I can remember.

#23 в контекст

"That's a rare item," says Astrath Triple Moon, stroking his beard. "As far as I know, no Human Sorcerer has ever concocted a successful spell for putting a dragon to sleep. The best we've come up with is some temporary distraction."

#24 в контекст

He's right. I know from painful experience. My platoon faced a dragon in the last Orc Wars, and I tried my sleep spell, full strength. I had more power in my spells then but the dragon hardly blinked. Still, we killed it in the end.

#25 в контекст

"Do the Orcs have a spell like that?"

#26 в контекст

"They might," replies Astrath Triple Moon. "After all, they have more experience with dragons than us. And their Sorcerers work on a different system. Weaker in some ways, stronger in others. It wouldn't surprise me if they've mastered dragoncraft enough to put one to sleep. I wouldn't have thought they'd let a spell like that out of their hands though. There's always Horm, of course."

#27 в контекст

"Horm the Dead?"

#28 в контекст

I suppress a shudder. You can forget to include me in anything involving Horm the Dead. He's not the only mad renegade Sorcerer in the world but he's one of the most powerful and, by all accounts, by far the most frightening.

#29 в контекст

"You ever have any dealings with him?"

#30 в контекст

Astrath strokes his beard.

#31 в контекст

"Not really. But a few members of the Sorcerers Guild have encountered him in the course of their travels and they told me stories about him. That was back when I could still go to Sorcerers Guild meetings of course. Takes dwa and flies, apparently."

#32 в контекст

"So do a lot of people."

#33 в контекст

"No, he really can fly. So they say anyway. And rides dragons."

#34 в контекст

"I thought only Orcs could ride dragons."

#35 в контекст

"Horm is half Orc," says Astrath. "And he spends his time in the Wastelands working out ways to combine Orc and Human magic. Last we heard he was working on a spell to send a whole city mad. The Eight-Mile Terror, he called it. So we were told anyway. Of course, you can't trust informants from the Wastelands, but it worried the Guild enough to start work on some counterspell. Horm the Dead doesn't much care for Humans."

#36 в контекст

"I can't see why he'd have any involvement in this spell the Princess had though."

#37 в контекст

"Neither can I," admits Astrath Triple Moon. "And from what you can remember of the spell, it

#38 в контекст

doesn't really sound like his work. More likely it was stolen from an Orcish Sorcerer. Or maybe their Ambassadors brought it here just in case the dragon decided to go mad and start burning the city."

#39 в контекст

I should hurry home and work this one out. After another beer, a little klee, and a portion of beef from Astrath's servant, I do just that. I sit in my shabby room and mull it over. What would a Niojan diplomat be doing with an Orcish spell? Trying to sell it perhaps? A valuable item, certainly, which any government would pay well for, but how did he get it? How did the Princess learn of it and why did she want it? And where is it now? Who removed it from Attilan's garden?

#40 в контекст

Faced with so many questions, I go downstairs for a beer. Makri comes over to my table and I tell her about the case. She's a sensible woman, often good for talking things over with, providing she's not haranguing me about helping her get into the Imperial University.

#41 в контекст

"I don't think Attilan was ever on diplomatic duty in the Orcish lands, but its possible he's come across the Orcish diplomats at our Palace. They don't show themselves in public but they must meet other Ambassadors sometimes."

#42 в контекст

"Maybe he didn't steal it," suggests Makri. "Maybe they gave it to him."

#43 в контекст

"Seems unlikely, Makri. Niojans are all swines, but they don't like Orcs any more than we do. And even if he was working with them, what was he doing with that spell? And why is the Princess involved?

#44 в контекст

She sent me to find it. How did she know he had it? And what did she want it for?"

#45 в контекст

"Maybe the dragons in the King's zoo make her nervous."

#46 в контекст

"Could be. Dragons would upset anyone."

#47 в контекст

"I fought one once," says Makri.

#48 в контекст

"I fought one. In the Orcish slave arena."

#50 в контекст

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